Gina was selected from thousands of entrants from all over Europe to be a finalist in the Sky Arts Master of Photography competition in 2016 – with a prestigious prize of €150,000 and a solo exhibition on offer.
The first task was filmed in Rome, and the challenge was to depict The Great Beauty – Art in the City.
The competition was hosted by the great Isabella Rossellini and the three judges were Rut Blees Luxemburg, Simon Frederick and Oliviero Toscani.
Episode 1 featured guest photographer Alex Webb.
Click the image below to see her profile and some video clips on the Master of Photography website
Da grande appassionato di fotografia, sto seguendo “Mastero of photography” ho visto il profilo dei vari aspiranti fotografi impegnati nella competizione, e devo dire che i loro lavori sono molto interessanti.
Alla prima prova, Roma, ho visto i competitori aggirarsi spaesati e senza una meta, in un posto come la “città eterna”.
E’ difficile essere poco ispirati…
6 ore a disposizione sono un’infinità e il risultato dei lavori non è stato entusiasmante, anzi normalissimi scatti senza un progetto ad istruirli.
Sono rimasto male dalla tua esclusione, avrei voluto vedere tutti i fotografi confrontarsi nelle varie discipline, e solo alla fine avrei giudicato il lavoro totale.
L’unica “critica” che ritengo valida, fra i giudicanti, è quella di Oliviero Toscano, grande conoscitore dei fenomeni sociali ed esperto di comunicazione dell’immagine.
Comunque sia andata ti faccio i migliori auguri per la tua carriera di Fotografa.
Hi Gina – really interesting to read your account of MoP. I love your work & would have loved to see how you would have progressed in the competition!
I’ve applied to be in next years competition- not sure if that was wise or not, but I believe that taking risks & pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is good to help your creativity to grow! I’m not expecting to get any further- it sounds like they have thousands of applicants more this year, but if you have any advice for me I would be greatful. It sounds like it was a real challenge!
Best wishes
Hey Niki! Sorry for the slow reply! Thank you very much. It certainly would of been interesting the further along I went, but I am glad with the outcome for me and the other contestants. I’d say just be prepared be completely unprepared. You won’t be given a lot of information and all sorts of curveballs will be thrown in which aren’t necessarily televised, so there is quite a lot of tension behind the scenes. So I’d say, go with it, and just enjoy yourself I found that hard as I think too much ;)
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