Brixton on 35mm film mini series

Gina photographed this series around Brixton on her Nikon F100 35mm film camera with pre-treated film. In a darkroom, the film is pulled out and is soaked in chemicals to “decay” the film and break it down which causes stripes, streaks and spots to form on different parts on the negative. The results are unpredictable as to where the marks lie so it may obscure key parts of the composition. The film is then left to dry for a few weeks and then rolled back into the canister and used as normal to shoot with, then developed where you get to see the final results.

If you’re interested in any of the artworks, please click on the individual artworks page and there will be a link to take you to the shop.

Click here to view the entire Brixton series in the shop

If you have any bespoke queries or wish to commission Gina for a project using 35mm or 120 film you can contact her directly here